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São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2022. 74 p. tab, graf, ilus.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1396025


Mesmo reduzida e fragmentada, o vasto bioma da Mata Atlântica abriga milhares de plantas. Como destaque, tem-se as espécies frutíferas, aos quais podem ser atribuídas um importante valor para a segurança alimentar, nutricional e sociocultural. Entre elas, têm-se a cereja-do-rio grande (Eugenia involucrata DC.) e a grumixama (Eugenia brasiliensis Lam.), caracterizadas pela polpa de sabor doce-acidulado, sendo muito apreciadas e utilizadas tanto in natura, quanto no preparo de doces, xaropes, licores e geleias. Uma das características determinantes para o sucesso e aceitação destes frutos pelo consumidor, são os atributos de qualidade sensorial. As propriedades aromáticas dos frutos dependem da potência individual dos voláteis e a concentração de cada um, bem como a combinação com outros compostos. Todavia, apesar do grande potencial de mercado, devido às características nutricionais, fitoterápicas, potencial funcional e ao sabor exótico, os plantios existentes destas são oriundos de multiplicação por sementes, resultando em plantas desuniformes quanto as características de produção e qualidade. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo identificar metabólitos voláteis que confiram características sensoriais desejáveis aos frutos. Auxiliando na identificação de plantas que produzem frutos com voláteis de interesse para o sabor, o que permitirá a clonagem e propagação de plantas com homogeneidade na produção. Os compostos voláteis foram analisados em triplicata, de acordo com o método de microextração em fase sólida (SPME, do inglês Solid Phase Microextraction). Os resultados mostraram que os grupos de frutos das diversas regiões se diferenciaram quanto a composição dos metabolitos voláteis, bem como na abundância destes compostos. Observou-se também uma variação de composição entre as árvores da mesma região demonstrando tal irregularidade ocasionada pela propagação por sementes. A maioria de compostos voláteis produzidos foram identificados como terpenos, sendo estes já conhecidos pela importância no flavor em frutos. Desta forma, conhecer o aroma fornecerá um conjunto de dados que são subsídios para outros pesquisadores trabalharem em suas diversas áreas buscando características necessárias para o sucesso da comercialização, ocasionando no incentivo ao cultivo e valorização da riqueza nacional, no âmbito das espécies frutíferas, com vistas à proteção ambiental e em defesa da biodiversidade brasileira

The Atlantic Forest harbors thousands of plants despite of its reduced and fragmented character. It is important to highlight the fruit species which hold attributed and important value for food and socio-cultural security. Among them, there are the big cherry (Eugenia involucrata DC.) And the grumixama (Eugenia brasiliensis Lam.), fruit with sweet-acidulated flavor, which is much appreciated and used in the preparation of sweets, syrups, liqueurs, and jellies. One of the determining characteristics for the success and acceptance of these fruits by the consumer are the attributes of sensorial quality. The aromatic properties of the fruits depend on the individual potency of the volatiles and the concentration in each one of them, as well as the combination with other compounds. Despite of the great market potential due to the nutritional, phytotherapic and exotic flavor characteristics, the existing plantations of these fruits are originated from seed multiplication, resulting on uneven plants in terms of production and quality characteristics. In this sense, the presented work below was aimed to identify volatile metabolites that confer desirable sensorial characteristics to the fruits. The volatile compounds were analyzed in triplicate according to the Solid Phase Microextraction (SPME) method. The results showed that the fruit groups from different regions differed in terms of the composition of volatile metabolites, as well as in the abundance of these compounds. There was also a variation of composition among the trees of the same region which demonstrated such heterogeneity caused by seed propagation. Most volatile compounds produced were identified as terpenes which are known for playing an important role in the flavor of fruits. In this way, by knowing the aroma, a set of data will be provided and used as an allowance for other researchers who are working in the various areas related to the pursue of the necessary characteristics for the commercial success, resulting on the motivation to cultivate and value the forest

Myrtaceae/classification , Volatile Organic Compounds/adverse effects , Eugenia , Fruit/classification , Plants , World Health Organization , Conservation of Natural Resources/methods , Biodiversity , Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry/methods , Odorants
Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 62(5): 1048-1054, 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1428436


A medida que a se avanza en el siglo XXI, los sistemas de energía deben alejarse de los combustibles fósiles y aumentar la capacidad de las energías renovables si se quieren cumplir los objetivos de temperaturas máximas del Acuerdo de París. Sin embargo, debido a los desafíos en la adopción de tecnologías bajas en carbono, ciertas áreas de los sistemas energéticos globales son difíciles de controlar y descarburar. Por otra parte, el compostaje es una de las prácticas de gestión de residuos orgánicos más importantes que se puede utilizar para lograr la sostenibilidad del suelo y del medio ambiente. El compost tiene un mínimo impacto en algunas emisiones, y puede ayudar a controlar la huella de carbono y limitar los efectos ambientales negativos de los métodos de eliminación de desechos más deficientes. La investigación tuvo por objetivo determinar la calidad de producir biogás y biometano a partir de la cáscara de plátano (Musa paradisiaca L.). Metodológicamente se desarrolló una investigación aplicada, con nivel de investigación de tipo experimental. Las cáscaras de plátano se colectaron de la planta de compostaje de la Municipalidad Provincial de Leoncio Prado, Perú. De la muestra se prepararon cinco sub muestras para la producción de biogás y cinco muestras adicionales para la producción de biometano. Los sistemas mostraron una producción de 0,067 m3 BG/Kg ST de biogás y 0,059 m3CH4/Kg ST de biometano, que generó subproductos como el biol y biosol. Estos resultados presentaron una baja toxicidad al ser sometidos a pruebas germinativas, concluyéndose que solo el 11,5% de la cáscara introducida al biorreactor se degrado y de esta fracción solo el 2,8% se convirtió en biogás(AU)

As progress is being made in the 21st century, energy systems must move away from fossil fuels and increase the capacity of renewable energies if you want to meet the maximum temperatures objectives of the Paris Agreement. However, due to the challenges in the adoption of low carbon technologies, certain areas of global energy systems are difficult to control and decarbure. On the other hand, composting is one of the most important organic waste management practices that can be used to achieve soil and environmental sustainability. The compost has a minimum impact on some emissions, and can help control the carbon footprint and limit the negative environmental effects of the most deficient waste removal methods. The research aimed to determine the quality of producing biogas and biomethane from the banana peel (Musa paradisiaca L.). Methodologically, an applied investigation was developed, with experimental research level. The banana peels were collected from the composting plant of the Provincial Municipality of Leoncio Prado, Peru. From the sample, five sub samples were prepared for the production of biogas and five additional samples for biomethane production. The systems showed a production of 0.067 m3 bg/kg ST of biogas and 0.059 m3ch4/kg ST of biomethane, which generated by -products such as biol and biosol. These results presented a low toxicity when they were subjected to germinative evidence, concluding that only 11.5% of the shell introduced into the bioreactor was degraded and of this fraction only 2.8% became biogas(AU)

Conservation of Natural Resources/methods , Musa/metabolism , Biofuels/analysis , Carbon/analysis , Composting , Anaerobic Digestion , Musa/chemistry , Plant Bark/chemistry , Renewable Energy
Braz. j. biol ; 81(2): 377-386, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1153358


Poppiana dentata (Randall, 1840) is widely distributed throughout riverine habitats in Trinidad. However, there is a scarcity of information on the biology of this species. This study provides the first baseline examination that describes growth aspects for P. dentata. Juvenile crabs were obtained from berried females collected in northwest Trinidad. Carapace width (CW), length (CL), moult incident, intermoult period and qualitative aspects were recorded for crabs (N = 23) over 9 months. CW, CL and intermoult period were used to derive percentage size increment, specific growth rate (SGR) and size at structural maturity for both sexes. Growth curves and logistic equations were also generated for each sex. Hatched crabs (< 5 mm CW) underwent rapid hardening after their first moult, indicating a fast turnover of moult cycles. SGR and CW percent increment were also the highest for this initial moult (P < 0.05). CW, CL, intermoult period, size increment and SGR did not differ between sexes (P > 0.05), with logistic equations expressed as CW = 32.81 (1+exp (1.481 ̵ 0.031t))-1 for males and CW = 34.07 (1+exp (1.516 ̵ 0.027t))-1 for females. Yet, breakpoint analyses indicated dissimilar sizes for structural maturity (male: 28.40 mm CW; female: 16.84 mm CW). These patterns reflect a shorter life span for this species in comparison to what has been reported for other trichodactylid relatives. This can have implications for P. dentata populations residing in anthropogenically disturbed habitats; thus, highlighting the need for conservation strategies to ensure preservation of native wild stock.

O Poppiana dentata (Randall, 1840) está amplamente distribuído nos habitats fluviais de Trinidad. Existem, porém, poucas informações sobre a biologia dessa espécie. Este estudo fornece a primeira análise de referência que descreve aspectos do crescimento do P. dentata. Caranguejos jovens foram obtidos a partir de fêmeas em desova na região noroeste de Trinidad. A largura da carapaça (LC), o comprimento da carapaça (CC), a incidência de muda, o período de intermuda e aspectos qualitativos foram registrados para caranguejos (N = 23) ao longo de mais de nove meses. A LC, o CC e o período de intermuda foram utilizados para obter o aumento porcentual, a taxa específica de crescimento (TEC), e o tamanho na maturidade estrutural para os dois sexos. Curvas de crescimento e equações logísticas foram também geradas para cada sexo. Os caranguejos que nasceram (com largura de carapaça < 5 mm) apresentaram um endurecimento rápido depois de sua primeira muda, o que indica uma rápida rotação dos ciclos de muda. A TEC e o aumento da porcentual da LC foram também os mais altos para esta muda inicial (P < 0,05). Não houve variação da LC, CC, do período de intermuda, aumento do tamanho e da TEC entre os sexos (P > 0,05), e as equações logísticas foram expressas como: LC = 32,81 (1+exp (1,481 ̵ 0,031t))-1 para machos, e LC = 34,07 (1+exp (1,516 ̵ 0,027t))-1 para fêmeas. Porém, as análises de quebra indicaram tamanhos diferentes para maturidade estrutural (LC para macho: 28,40; para fêmea: 16,84 mm). Esses padrões refletem um período de vida mais curto para esta espécie em comparação com o que tem sido registrado para outras famílias de Trichodactylidae. Isso pode ter implicações para as populações de P. dentata que residem em habitats modificados antropogenicamente; destaca-se, assim, a necessidade de estratégias de conservação para assegurar a preservação das populações selvagens nativas.

Animals , Male , Female , Brachyura/anatomy & histology , Brachyura/growth & development , Trinidad and Tobago , Ecosystem , Conservation of Natural Resources/methods , Animal Experimentation , Fresh Water
Cienc. tecnol. salud ; 8(1): 43-56, 2021. il 27 c
Article in Spanish | LILACS, DIGIUSAC, LIGCSA | ID: biblio-1352952


La fenología estudia los cambios estacionales en los ciclos de vida de los organismos. Una utilidad de la fenología, es que permite establecer periodos en que se pueden colectar semillas para programas de restauración ecológica. Por lo que, de abril de 2017 a mayo de 2019, en el volcán Tacaná, San Marcos, Guatemala, se estableció la estaciona-lidad, variación anual, sincronía, intensidad y duración de las fenofases reproductivas de Prunus lundelliana Standl. Aproximadamente cada 15 días, en 10 individuos se registró la presencia e intensidad de las flores (botones y abiertas) y frutos (inmaduros y maduros). Los datos se analizaron con estadística circular, encontrándose que todas la fenofases fueron estacionales y que solo el patrón de los frutos inmaduros varió significativamente entre los dos periodos. La sincronía fue principalmente alta y la intensidad no superó el 40%. En ambos periodos las intensidades menores las presentaron los frutos maduros (17 y 25%). Los índices de actividad e intensidad se correlacionaron significativamente, por lo que los ángulos medios fueron semejantes en las fenofases y periodos de estudio. Los picos de actividad-in-tensidad de las flores abiertas y de los frutos maduros ocurrieron durante los meses secos (noviembre-abril), patrón que se ha registrado en otros bosques nubosos. La duración de las fenofases varió entre 2.5-3.5 meses, siendo la más pequeña la de frutos maduros. Para fines de manejo, la colecta de frutos maduros puede hacerse desde mediados de marzo hasta finales de mayo, sin embargo, se sugiere hacerlo principalmente entre el 15 de abril y el 15 de mayo.

Phenology studies the seasonal changes in the life cycle of organisms. Phenological data allow to set the periods in which the seeds can be collected for ecological restoration programs. From April, 2017 to May, 2019, in Taca-ná volcano, San Marcos, Guatemala, it was established the seasonality, annual variation, synchrony, intensity, and duration of the reproductive phenophases of Prunus lundelliana Standl. About every 15 days, 10 individuals were observed and it was recorded the presence and intensity of flowers (buds and blossom flowers) and fruits (immature and mature fruits). The data was analyzed with circular statistics, finding that all the phenophases were seasonally distributed and only the immature fruits pattern significantly variated between the two periods. The synchrony was mainly high and the intensity did not exceed 40%. In both of the study periods, the lesser intensities were presented by the mature fruits (17 and 25%). The activity and intensity indexes were significantly correlated; therefore the mid angles were alike in the phenophases and study periods. The activity-intensity highs of blossom flowers and of mature fruits happened in the dry months (November to April), a pattern that has been registered in other cloud forests. The duration of the phenophases ranged from 2.5 to 3.5 months, being the shortest the mature fruits phenophase. For environmental management purposes, the collection of mature fruits can be done from the middle of March to the end of May, nonetheless, it should be done mainly between April 15th and May 15th.

Trees/growth & development , Forests , Plant Physiological Phenomena , Endangered Species , Conservation of Natural Resources/methods , Prunus/growth & development , Reproduction , Seasons , Seeds/growth & development , Tropical Climate , Volcanoes , Flowers/growth & development , Fruit/growth & development , Guatemala
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 63(spe): e20190651, 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1142512


Abstract To accelerate the recovery of degraded environments, it is necessary to use ecological restoration techniques, which require validation according to the ecosystem conditions where are implemented. This work aimed to evaluate soil microbiological attributes under different ecological restoration technologies in a subtropical forest. The study was conducted at UTFPR-DV, southwest of Paraná, in an ecotone between Mixed Ombrophilous Forest and Semideciduous Seasonal Forest and on an Oxisol. In December 2010, a tillage area of at least 17 years old was isolated and the passive restoration, tree planting and nucleation treatments were installed in 40x54 m plots and four replications. In November 2018 the soil was sampled in these plots and in a native forest area as a reference. There were calculated soil organic carbon content (OCC) and microbiological attributes such as microbial biomass N and C (NMIC and CMIC), basal respiration, fungal spore content and the metabolic (qCO2) and microbial quotient (MICq). It can be concluded that nucleation technology can restore soil microbiological attributes but has not yet reached the conditions of a natural environment. Passive restoration is not a good technology for restoring soil microbiological attributes. The higher contents of CMIC, NMIC, OCC, MICq and fungal spores in the soil under native forest compared to ecological restoration technologies indicate that eight years of adoption of these techniques have not yet been enough to fully recover soil microbiological activity.

Soil Microbiology , Forests , Conservation of Natural Resources/methods , Spores, Fungal , Tropical Climate , Brazil , Carbazoles , Carbon/analysis , Nitrogen/analysis
J. bras. nefrol ; 41(4): 560-563, Out.-Dec. 2019.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056609


ABSTRACT Human-induced climate change has been an increasing concern in recent years. Nephrology, especially in the dialysis setting, has significant negative environmental impact worldwide, as it uses large amounts of water and energy and generates thousands of tons of waste. While our activities make us responsible agents, there are also several opportunities to change the game, both individually and as a society. This call-to-action intends to raise awareness about environmentally sustainable practices in dialysis and encourages this important discussion in Brazil.

RESUMO A mudança climática induzida pela atividade humana tem sido foco de preocupações crescentes nos últimos anos. A nefrologia, particularmente a diálise, produz significativos impactos ambientais em todo o mundo em virtude da grande utilização de água e energia e da geração de milhares de toneladas de resíduos. Embora nossas atividades nos tornem agentes responsáveis, há várias oportunidades para mudar esse cenário, tanto individualmente como em sociedade. O presente artigo pretende ampliar a conscientização sobre práticas ambientalmente sustentáveis em diálise e estimular essa importante discussão no Brasil.

Humans , Program Evaluation/methods , Renal Dialysis/methods , Peritoneal Dialysis/methods , Awareness/physiology , Climate Change/statistics & numerical data , Brazil/epidemiology , Waste Disposal, Fluid/statistics & numerical data , Health Personnel/ethics , Conservation of Natural Resources/methods , Environment
Braz. j. biol ; 78(3): 397-407, Aug. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-951587


Abstract The evaluation of ecosystem services is a tool to raise awareness about benefits of ecosystem functions for human well-being. In Brazil, few studies and reports assess ecosystem services in a watershed context. The aim of this paper is to fill this gap by assessing ecosystem services of Jacaré-Guaçu and Jacaré-Pepira Watersheds (São Paulo State, Brazil) in a temporal scale of 10 years. Land cover and uses' capacity to provide ecosystem services and drivers were assessed as a result of mapping these areas. Economic values were estimated based on literature information. Results showed that cultivated and managed terrestrial areas stands out over other areas and then, regulation and maintenance services are reduced in these areas. Wetlands and natural vegetation, with smaller areas, are important for the supply of regulation and maintenance services of both watersheds and economic values indicate the magnitude of degradation or maintenance/restoration.

Resumo A avaliação dos serviços do ecossistema é uma ferramenta utilizada na conscientização sobre os benefícios das funções e serviços dos ecossistemas para o bem-estar humano, bem como a importância da sua conservação. No Brasil, existem poucos estudos que avaliam serviços ecossistêmicos no contexto das bacias hidrográficas. O objetivo deste trabalho é preencher esta lacuna por meio da avaliação dos serviços ecossistêmicos das bacias hidrográficas dos Rios Jacaré-Guaçu e Jacaré-Pepira (estado de São Paulo, Brasil) em uma escala temporal de 10 anos. A capacidade da cobertura e uso da terra em prover serviços ecossistêmicos e as forçantes foram avaliadas como resultado do mapeamento destas áreas. Valores econômicos foram estimados com base em dados de literatura científica. Os resultados mostraram que as áreas terrestres cultivadas e manejadas se destacam em relação aos outros usos e por isto, os serviços de regulação e manutenção são diminuídos nestas áreas. Áreas alagadas e de vegetação nativa, com áreas menores, têm papel fundamental no suprimento dos serviços de regulação e manutenção e, portanto, devem ser recuperadas e protegidas. Demografia e atividades econômicas na bacia foram identificadas como as principais forçantes que atuam sobre os serviços do ecossistema das áreas de vegetação nativa e áreas alagadas. Os valores econômicos estimados mostram, independente dos valores de base adotados, a magnitude dos impactos antrópicos que modificam estes ecossistemas, e dos ganhos referentes à recuperação e conservação dos mesmos.

Humans , Conservation of Natural Resources/methods , Wetlands , Water Quality , Brazil , Environmental Monitoring
Braz. j. biol ; 78(3): 517-524, Aug. 2018. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-951565


Abstract Functional diversity is increasingly pointed as a useful approach to reach Biological Conservation goals. Here, we provide an overview of the functional diversity approach status in the Biological Conservation field. We sought for peer-reviewed papers published over a period of twenty years (from 1994 to 2014). First we used the general topic "functional diversity" and then refined our search using the key-word "conservation". We have identified the conservation strategies addressed, the organism studied, and the continent of study site in each paper. Thirteen classes of conservation strategies were identified. Plants were the most commonly studied organism group and most study-sites were located in Europe. The functional diversity approach was introduced in the Biological Conservation field in the early 2000's and its inclusion in conservation strategies is broadly advised. However, the number of papers that operationalise such inclusion by developing models and systems is still low. Functional diversity responds differently and eventually better than other measures to changes in land use and management, which suggests that this approach can potentially better predict the impacts. More studies are needed to corroborate this hypothesis. We pointed out knowledge gaps regarding identification of the responses for functional diversity about urban impacts and in research on the level of management intensity of land needed to maintain functional diversity. We recommend the use of functional diversity measures to find ecological indicators. Future studies should focus on the development of functional diversity measures of other taxa beyond plants as well as test hypothesis in tropical ecosystems.

Resumo A diversidade funcional é crescentemente apontada como uma abordagem útil para alcançar os objetivos da Conservação Biológica. Neste artigo, nós mostramos uma visão geral do status desta abordagem no campo da Conservação Biológica. Nós buscamos por artigos revisados por pares publicados ao longo de vinte anos (desde 1994 até 2014) usando, primeiramente, o tópico geral "functional diversity" e em seguida, refinamos a pesquisa com a palavra-chave "conservation". Identificamos a estratégia de conservação abordada, o organismo estudado e o continente da área de estudo de cada artigo. Treze classes de estratégias de conservação foram identificadas. As plantas foram o grupo de organismos mais amplamente estudado e a maior parte das áreas de estudo estavam localizadas no continente europeu. A abordagem da diversidade funcional entrou no campo da Conservação Biológica no início dos anos 2000 e sua inclusão nas estratégias de conservação é amplamente recomendada. Entretanto, o número de artigos que operacionalizam tal inclusão ainda é pequeno. A diversidade funcional responde diferentemente e, eventualmente, melhor do que as outras medidas às mudanças no uso da terra e no manejo, sugerindo que essa abordagem pode potencialmente prever melhor os impactos. Mais estudos são necessários para corroborar esta hipótese. Destacamos lacunas de conhecimento sobre a identificação das respostas da diversidade funcional aos impactos urbanos e sobre a busca pelo nível de intensidade de manejo da terra necessária para manter a diversidade funcional. Recomendamos o uso de medidas de diversidade funcional para encontrar indicadores ecológicos. Estudos futuros devem focar no desenvolvimento de medidas de diversidade funcional de outros taxa, além das plantas bem como testar hipóteses em ecossistemas tropicais.

Research , Ecosystem , Conservation of Natural Resources/methods , Internationality , Ecology/methods , Plants , Biodiversity , Europe
Rev. cub. inf. cienc. salud ; 29(2): 0-0, abr.-jun. 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-960295


Las bibliotecas públicas son instituciones socioculturales comprometidas con el desarrollo sostenible. Desde el siglo XIX sus servicios generan beneficios en las comunidades y cuentan con su plena participación. En el marco de la agenda 2030, las bibliotecas públicas demuestran su valor e influencia en el desarrollo informacional y social de individuos, grupos e instituciones. En ese sentido, se identifican los objetivos de la agenda 2030 de las Naciones Unidas y se exponen las principales direcciones de trabajo de las bibliotecas públicas en torno al desarrollo sostenible basado en el método de análisis documental. Dicha exposición se realiza en función de cuatro dimensiones: acceso abierto y participación ciudadana, inclusión, cohesión, empoderamiento y desarrollo local, identidad y memoria, y espacios y actuaciones sostenibles. Esto permite advertir la diversificación de las actuaciones de las bibliotecas públicas y reafirmar su relevancia junto a otras instituciones públicas en la edificación de sociedades sostenibles(AU)

Public libraries are sociocultural institutions committed to sustainable development. Since the nineteenth century, public libraries services generate benefits in the communities with their full participation. In the framework of the 2030 agenda, public libraries demonstrate their value and influence in the informational and social development of individuals, groups and institutions. In this sense, the goals of the United Nations 2030 agenda are identified and the main work directions of public libraries regarding sustainable development are exposed based on the documentary analysis method. This exhibition is based on four dimensions: open access and citizen participation; inclusion, cohesion, empowerment and local development; identity and memory; and spaces and sustainable performance. The analysis of these dimensions allows to notice the diversification of the performance of public libraries and reaffirm their relevance with other public institutions in the building of sustainable societies(AU)

Humans , Public Facilities/standards , Conservation of Natural Resources/methods , Libraries/standards , Access to Information
Rev. biol. trop ; 65(1): 239-253, Jan.-Mar. 2017. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-897538


ResumenPseudocurimata lineopunctata representa un importante aporte nutricional para las comunidades locales en Colombia y Ecuador. A pesar que su captura anual es baja (590 kg/año), no hay restricciones sobre el tamaño mínimo, y esta especie está catalogada como vulnerable en riesgo de extinción moderada por la Corporación Autónoma Regional del Valle del Cauca (Colombia). Para apoyar los programas de conservación, se requiere de datos biológicos de las especie. Por lo tanto, los objetivos de este estudio fueron describir la proporción de sexos, la distribución, el tamaño en relación al peso, las fases macroscópicas de la madurez reproductiva, fecundidad y talla de primera madurez sexual para P. lineopunctata. Las muestras de peces fueron capturados con redes por nueve meses (Febrero-Octubre) en 2007. La longitud total (Lt) de los peces capturados varió entre 10.7 y 16.5 cm, con peso total (Pt) entre 25.0 y 67.5 g. Las hembras representaron el 52.6 % del grupo de muestra mientras que los machos el 47.4 %, y se observaron diferencias en la proporción de sexos en relación con el tamaño del pez. Durante todos los meses muestreados se capturaron ejemplares en estado de madurez avanzado. Con base en el análisis de los índices gonadosómatico, (IGS), gonádico (IG) y de condición (K), se postula que habría dos máximos de desove, uno de junio-julio y otro en septiembre-octubre. La talla de primera madurez sexual para las hembras fue determinada en 9.2 cm y para los machos en 10.1 cm de Lt. La fecundidad absoluta fue estimada en 3 598 ovocitos/♀, con una fecundidad relativa de 84 ovocitos/g♀. Se hace necesario realizar investigaciones adicionales que aumenten la información sobre la reproducción de esta especie, con la finalidad de apoyar futuros programas de repoblamiento.

Abstract:Pseudocurimata lineopunctata represents an important nutritional source for local human communities in Colombia and Ecuador. Although the yearly catch of this fish is low (590 kg/year), there are no restrictions on minimum size, and this species is categorized as vulnerable with moderate extinction risk by the Regional Autonomous Corporation of the Cauca Valley (Colombia). To support conservation programs, biological data of the target species are required. Therefore, the aims of this study were to describe the sex ratio, distribution, size to weight ratio, macroscopic stages of reproductive maturity, fecundity, and size at first sexual maturity for P. lineopunctata. For this, fish samples were captured with nets over nine months (February-October) in 2007. The total length (Lt) of the captured fish ranged between 10.7 and 16.5 cm, with total weight (Pt) between 25.0 and 67.5 g. Females represented 52.6 % of the sample group while males represented 47.4 %, and differences in sex ratio were observed in relation to fish size. For all sampled months, the fish captured showed an advanced maturity state. Based on analyses of the gonadosomatic index (IGS), gonadic index (IG), and Fulton's condition factor (K), and two spawning peaks were determined, one in June-July, and the other in September-October. The size at first sexual maturity was 9.2 cm for females and 10.1 cm for males. Absolute fecundity was estimated as 3 598 oocytes/ g♀. It is necessary to carry out additional investigations on the reproduction of this species, to support future repopulation programs. Rev. Biol. Trop. 65 (1): 239-253. Epub 2017 March 01.

Animals , Male , Female , Conservation of Natural Resources/methods , Rivers , Characiformes/physiology , Oocytes/physiology , Reproduction/physiology , Sexual Maturation/physiology , Sex Ratio , Time Factors , Colombia , Body Size , Fertility/physiology , Animal Distribution , Gonads/physiology
Rev. biol. trop ; 65(1): 321-334, Jan.-Mar. 2017. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-897544


ResumenLas condiciones ecológicas de los ríos altoandinos tropicales estan amenazadas por numerosas actividades humanas que incluyen aquellas derivadas del cambio de la cobertura y uso del suelo de la cuenca. Para su evaluación se han propuesto protocolos que diagnostican el estado de la estructura pero no del funcionamiento de estos ecosistemas fluviales. En este trabajo se propone una herramienta de evaluación adaptada a las condiciones locales, incluyendo la metodología y los valores umbrales, utilizando el proceso de descomposición de la hojarasca como una medida del funcionamiento y salud de los ríos altoandinos del sur del Ecuador. Se seleccionaron 15 tributarios distribuidos en tres microcuencas (Mazán, Llaviuco y Matadero) dentro o en las adyacencias del Parque Nacional Cajas. En cada tributario se incubaron bolsas de descomposición elaboradas con dos tipos de malla (gruesa y fina) para separar la contribución de macroinvertebrados y microorganismos en el proceso. Como substrato vegetal se emplearon hojas de Alnus acuminata y Miconia bracteolata. Las bolsas fueron colocadas en los ríos y mantenidas durante 15, 28 y 64 días. Las tasas de descomposición (-K) fueron obtenidas a partir del período de tiempo en el cual se produjo la pérdida de aproximadamente el 50 % de la masa seca libre de ceniza. En cada período de recolección se determinaron parámetros físicos y químicos. Adicionalmente, se aplicaron los índices de calidad de ribera (QBR-And) y de habitat fluvial (IHF). Para la elaboración de los umbrales de condición funcional se utilizaron las métricas Ktotal y el cociente entre la tasa de descomposición en malla gruesa y malla fina (Kg/Kf). Para probar la sensibilidad de las métricas se emplearon métodos gráficos, Anova de una vía y se calculó la eficiencia discriminativa (ED) de las mismas. Los resultados del análisis de usos y coberturas del suelo revelaron un gradiente de intervención Matadero ≥ Llaviuco > Mazán. La composición de las variables ambientales de las corrientes de la microcuenca Mazán resultaron diferentes con respecto a las de Llaviuco y Matadero, cuyos valores parecen ser más semejantes entre sí. La evaluación de la calidad de ribera mediante el índice QBR-And muestra un gradiente importante desde valores muy bajos en las corrientes de Matadero (27.5), valores medios a altos en Llaviuco (66.5) y valores más altos en los tributarios de Mazán (87). Las tasas de descomposición de la hojarasca de los tributarios de la microcuenca del Río Mazán resultaron significativamente más rápidas que en los tributarios de los Ríos Matadero y Llaviuco para las hojas de A. acuminata pero no para las hojas de Miconia. La métrica Kg/Kf se consideró sensible y suficiente para discriminar los impactos en las áreas estudiadas. Los valores del cociente Kg/Kf resultaron significativamente mayores en Mazán en comparación a Llaviuco y Matadero, que no resultaron diferentes entre sí. Nuestros resultados apoyan la utilización del proceso de descomposición de la hojarasca como una herramienta adecuada para evaluar la condición ecológica funcional, complementando las evaluaciones estructurales, de los ríos altoandinos.

Abstract:The ecological condition of tropical Andean rivers are threatened by many human activities including changes in land use and cover in watersheds. Current protocols diagnose the structural condition of streams but not their function. In this study we proposed an assessment tool using the leaf-litter breakdown as a measure of the functional condition and health of high Andean streams in Southern Ecuador, including methodology and threshold values adapted to local conditions. We selected 15 streams in three micro-basins (Mazán, Llaviuco and Matadero) within or in the vicinity of Cajas National Park where we deployed litterbags for 15, 28 and 64 days. We used two types of mesh (coarse and fine) for the litterbags in order to separate the contribution of macro-invertebrates and microorganisms in the decomposition process and also tested two different leaf substrates: Alder (Alnus acuminata) and Miconia (Miconia bracteolata). In each collection period we determined physical and chemical parameters, applied the riparian quality index (QBR-And) and river habitat index (IHF). Decomposition rates (-k) were determined from the time period at which approximately 50 % ash-free mass would have been lost. We used Ktotal and the ratio of the rate of decomposition between coarse and fine mesh (Kg/Kf) to define the functional condition thresholds. To test the metrics sensitivity we used graphical methods, one-way ANOVA and discriminative efficiency (ED). The analysis of watershed land-use and cover showed a gradient of intervention: Matadero ≥ Llaviuco > Mazán. The composition of the environmental variables of Mazán streams were different with respect to Llaviuco and Matadero, whose values were similar to each other. The QBR-And index showed a significant gradient from very low levels in Matadero (27.5), moderately high values in Llaviuco (66.5) to high values in Mazán (87). Alder leaf-litter breakdown rates were significantly faster in Mazán than in Matadero and Llaviuco streams, while breakdown rates of Miconia were not significantly different among watersheds. The Kg/Kf ratio was significantly higher in Mazán compared to Llaviuco and Matadero, which did not differ. We consider the Kg/Kf metric sensitive enough to discriminate impacts in the studied areas. Our results support the use of the leaf-litter breakdown as an appropriate tool to assess functional ecological condition, complementing the structural assessments of these Andean rivers. Rev. Biol. Trop. 65 (1): 321-334. Epub 2017 March 01.

Biodegradation, Environmental , Ecosystem , Plant Leaves/metabolism , Rivers/chemistry , Reference Values , Water Quality/standards , Reproducibility of Results , Analysis of Variance , Conservation of Natural Resources/methods , Ecuador
Rev. biol. trop ; 65(1): 393-404, Jan.-Mar. 2017. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-897550


ResumenLa minería es una de las principales actividades económicas en muchas regiones tropicales y también es la causa de la devastación de amplias superficies de bosques tropicales naturales. El conocimiento del potencial regenerativo de las áreas alteradas por minería es vital para la restauración ecológica de estas áreas críticas. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de la edad de abandono de las minas y su distancia al bosque adyacente sobre la formación del banco de semillas del suelo en minas abandonadas en el San Juan, Chocó, Colombia. Para ello, se determinó la abundancia y composición de especies del banco de semillas, así como la dinámica de la lluvia de semillas, en minas de distinta edad (6 y 15 años), tras el cese de la actividad minera, y distancia a la matriz del bosque adyacente (50 y 100 m). La lluvia de semillas estuvo compuesta por cinco especies de plantas, todas de dispersión anemócora, y fue mayor en la mina de 6 años que en la de 15. No hubo diferencias significativas en la cantidad de semillas recolectadas a 50 m y 100 m de distancia del bosque adyacente. El banco de semillas estuvo representado por ocho especies: dos de dispersión anemócora (comunes a la lluvia de semillas) y el resto de dispersión zoócora. La abundancia de semillas en el suelo no varió con la edad de la mina, pero fue mayor a distancias próximas al bosque que alejadas de este. Durante la regeneración temprana, la formación del banco de semillas en el seno de las minas parece estar relacionada con la cercanía a otras áreas alteradas más que con su proximidad al bosque adyacente o la edad de las minas. Al respecto, el establecimiento de perchas artificiales o conservación de árboles remanentes en el seno de las minas podrían promover la entrada de semillas dispersadas por aves. No obstante, dado que el banco de semillas del suelo puede verse afectado por la alta precipitación de la zona, se recomienda promover estudios que valoren medidas encaminadas a favorecer la formación del banco de semillas del suelo de las minas en ambientes de alta pluviosidad como en la región del Chocó.

Abstract:Mining is one of the main economic activities in many tropical regions and is the cause of devastation of large areas of natural tropical forests. The knowledge of the regenerative potential of mining disturbed areas provides valuable information for their ecological restoration. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of age of abandonment of mines and their distance from the adjacent forest, on the formation of soil seed bank in abandoned mines in the San Juan, Chocó, Colombia. To do this, we determined the abundance and species composition of the soil seed bank, and the dynamics of seed rain in mines of different cessation period of mining activity (6 and 15 years), and at different distances from the adjacent forest matrix (50 and 100 m). Seed rain was composed by five species of plants with anemocorous dispersion, and was more abundant in the mine of 6 years than in the mine of 15 years. There were no significant differences in the number of seeds collected at 50 m and 100 m from the adjacent forest. The soil seed bank was represented by eight species: two with anemocorous dispersion (common among the seed rain species) and the rest with zoochorous dispersion. The abundance of seeds in the soil did not vary with the age of the mine, but was higher at close distances to the forest edge than far away. During the early revegetation, the formation of the soil seed bank in the mines seems to be related to their proximity to other disturbed areas, rather than their proximity to the adjacent forest or the cessation activity period of mines. Therefore, the establishment of artificial perches or the maintenance of isolated trees in the abandoned mines could favour the arrival of bird-dispersed seeds at mines. However, since the soil seed bank can be significantly affected by the high rainfall in the study area, more studies are needed to evaluate management actions to encourage soil seed bank formation in mines of high-rainfall environments in the Chocó region. Rev. Biol. Trop. 65 (1): 393-404. Epub 2017 March 01.

Rain , Conservation of Natural Resources/methods , Seed Dispersal/physiology , Rainforest , Seed Bank , Mining , Seasons , Seeds/physiology , Soil , Species Specificity , Time Factors , Tropical Climate , Analysis of Variance , Colombia
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 15(3): e170041, 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-895097


Considering the need for the Brazilian government to develop tools for environmental monitoring for biodiversity conservancy purposes in the national protected areas system, this paper focuses on determining reference site metrics (or baselines) for adapting the Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) based on the fish assemblages in the Pantanal National Park (PNP). The habitats in the PNP were grouped into four categories: main rivers, corixos (channels connecting the floodplain), permanent bays, and temporary bays. Fish samplings were performed at 12 points during the dry season (Oct-Nov 2010 and 2011). 146 fish species were identified from the total 18,954 individuals collected with standardized fishing gear. There was no association between the structure of the fish assemblage and categories, suggesting a theory on homogeneity of habitats. The final IBIPNP consists of nine metrics, most of them were framed in excellent class, some in fair, and none in poor. There was no significant difference in IBIPNP scores between the two sampled years. This approach provides a direct application for wetland management purposes.(AU)

É iminente que o Brasil desenvolva ferramentas para monitorar o sistema de áreas protegidas do país, formado especialmente pelas Unidades de Conservação e tendo como foco a proteção efetiva da biodiversidade. Nesse contexto, esse trabalho discute métricas de referência (ou linhas de base) para compor um Índice de Integridade Biótica (IIB) baseado nas comunidades de peixes, tendo como área de estudo o Parque Nacional do Pantanal Matogrossense. Os hábitats encontrados no Parque foram agrupados em quatro estratos ambientais: rios, corixos (cursos d´água que se conectam à planície de inundação) e baías permanentes e temporárias. As coletas de peixes foram realizadas em 12 pontos amostrais durante o período seco (out/nov de 2010 e 2011). Foram identificadas 146 espécies de peixes, totalizando 18.954 exemplares coletados em amostragens padronizadas. Não houve associação entre a estrutura da comunidade e os estratos ambientais, sugerindo homogeneidade de hábitats. O IIB final foi composto por nove métricas, a maior parte alocada na classe excelente de integridade biótica, poucas na classe regular e nenhuma na classe pobre. Não houve diferença significativa no IIB entre os dois anos consecutivos. Esses resultados oferecem subsídios técnicos para a tomada de decisão sobre a gestão das áreas alagáveis no Pantanal brasileiro.(AU)

Animals , /analysis , Conservation of Natural Resources/methods , Conservation of Water Resources/trends , Biota
Rev. argent. microbiol ; 48(4): 333-341, dic. 2016. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-843176


Las cactáceas son la vegetación característica de las zonas áridas en México, donde las lluvias son escasas, la evapotranspiración es elevada y la fertilidad de los suelos es baja. Las plantas han desarrollado estrategias fisiológicas como la asociación con microorganismos en la zona de la rizósfera para incrementar la captación de nutrientes. En el presente trabajo se obtuvieron 4 aislados bacterianos de la rizósfera de Mammillaria magnimamma y Coryphantha radians, los que fueron nombrados como QAP3, QAP19, QAP22 y QAP24 e identificados genéticamente como pertenecientes al género Bacillus. Estos aislados exhibieron in vitro propiedades bioquímicas como solubilización de fosfatos, producción de ácido indolacético y actividad ACC deaminasa, que se relacionan con la promoción del crecimiento de las plantas. Dicha promoción fue ensayada inoculando semillas de M. magnimamma y evaluando luego algunos parámetros. Se encontró que todos los aislados incrementaron la germinación desde un 17% hasta un 34,3% (con respecto a las semillas testigo sin inocular); el aislado QAP24 fue el que presentó el mayor efecto en este sentido y permitió la germinación de todas las semillas viables (84,7%) 3 días antes que en el testigo. La inoculación de este aislado en plantas de Mammillaria zeilmanniana mostró un efecto positivo sobre la floración: en 2 meses dentro del período de un año se detectó un incremento en el número de plantas en floración con respecto a las plantas testigo, de hasta el 31,0% en uno de ellos. Se concluye que los aislados de Bacillus spp. caracterizados poseen potencial para ser empleados en programas de conservación de especies vegetales de zonas áridas.

Cacti are the most representative vegetation of arid zones in Mexico where rainfall is scarce, evapotranspiration is high and soil fertility is low. Plants have developed physiological strategies such as the association with microorganisms in the rhizosphere zone to increase nutrient uptake. In the present work, four bacterial isolates from the rhizosphere of Mammillaria magnimamma and Coryphantha radians were obtained and named as QAP3, QAP19, QAP22 and QAP24, and were genetically identified as belonging to the genus Bacillus, exhibiting in vitro biochemical properties such as phosphate solubilization, indoleacetic acid production and ACC deaminase activity related to plant growth promotion, which was tested by inoculating M. magnimamma seeds. It was found that all isolates increased germination from 17 to 34.3% with respect to the uninoculated control seeds, being QAP24 the one having the greatest effect, accomplishing the germination of viable seeds (84.7%) three days before the control seeds. Subsequently, the inoculation of Mammillari zeilmanniana plants with this isolate showed a positive effect on bloom, registering during two months from a one year period, an increase of up to 31.0% in the number of flowering plants compared to control plants. The characterized Bacillus spp. isolates have potential to be used in conservation programs of plant species from arid zones.

Bacillus/isolation & purification , Bacillus/classification , Adaptation, Biological/physiology , Conservation of Natural Resources/methods , Cactaceae/microbiology , Rhizosphere , Agricultural Inoculants/growth & development , Germination/drug effects , Flowers/drug effects , Reference Standards/methods
Rev. panam. salud pública ; 40(1): 48-56, Aug. 2016. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-795374


ABSTRACT Objectives To identify the agriculture, food, and nutrition security interventions that facilitate sustainable food production and have a positive impact on health. Methods Systematic review methods were used to synthesize evidence from multiple systematic reviews and economic evaluations through a comprehensive search of 17 databases and 10 websites. The search employed a pre-defined protocol with clear inclusion criteria. Both grey and peer-reviewed literature published in English, Spanish, and Portuguese between 1 January 1997 and November 2013 were included. To classify as “sustainable,” interventions needed to aim to positively impact at least two dimensions of the integrated framework for sustainable development and include measures of health impact. Results Fifteen systematic reviews and seven economic evaluations met the inclusion criteria. All interventions had some impact on health or on risk factors for health outcomes, except those related to genetically modified foods. Impact on health inequalities was rarely measured. All interventions with economic evaluations were very cost-effective, had cost savings, or net benefits. In addition to impacting health (inclusive social development), all interventions had the potential to impact on inclusive economic development, and some, on environmental sustainability, though these effects were rarely assessed. Conclusions What is needed now is careful implementation of interventions with expected positive health impacts but with concurrent, rigorous evaluation. Possible impact on health inequalities needs to be considered and measured by future primary studies and systematic reviews, as does impact of interventions on all dimensions of sustainable development.

RESUMEN Objetivos Definir las intervenciones agropecuarias, alimentarias y relativas a la seguridad nutricional que favorecen la producción sostenible de alimentos y tienen efectos positivos sobre la salud. Métodos Se utilizaron métodos de revisión sistemática para sintetizar los datos obtenidos de múltiples revisiones sistemáticas y evaluaciones económicas mediante una búsqueda amplia en 17 bases de datos y 10 sitios web conforme a un protocolo predefinido que constaba de criterios de inclusión claros. La búsqueda incluyó tanto bibliografía gris como arbitrada publicada en inglés, español y portugués entre el 1 de enero de 1997 y 1 de noviembre del 2013. Se consideraron “sostenibles” las intervenciones que tuvieron efectos positivos en al menos dos dimensiones del marco integrado para el desarrollo sostenible y que evaluaron los efectos sobre la salud. Resultados Cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión 15 revisiones sistemáticas y 7 evaluaciones económicas. Todas las intervenciones tuvieron algún efecto sobre la salud o sobre los factores de riesgo de algunos resultados en materia de salud, a excepción de aquellas relacionadas con los alimentos transgénicos. Muy pocos estudios determinaron el efecto de las intervenciones sobre las desigualdades en materia de salud. Todas las intervenciones sometidas a evaluaciones económicas fueron muy eficaces en función de los costos, redujeron los costos o lograron beneficios netos. Además de incidir en la salud (en la dimensión “desarrollo social inclusivo”), todas las intervenciones podrían influir en la dimensión “desarrollo económico inclusivo” y algunas sobre la dimensión “sostenibilidad ambiental”, aunque estos efectos fueron evaluados en muy pocas revisiones sistemáticas. Conclusiones La ejecución cuidadosa de las intervenciones cuya aplicación prevé efectos positivos para la salud debe acompañarse de una evaluación rigurosa. Es preciso tener en cuenta y evaluar, mediante futuros estudios primarios y revisiones sistemáticas, tanto los posibles efectos sobre las desigualdades en materia de salud como las repercusiones de las intervenciones en todas las dimensiones del desarrollo sostenible.

Public Health/methods , Conservation of Natural Resources/methods , Sustainable Agriculture/methods , Diet, Healthy
Rev. panam. salud pública ; 39(6): 378-386, Jun. 2016. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-795364


ABSTRACT Objective To identify interventions that 1) facilitate sustainable development by preventing toxic exposure to chemicals, including pesticides, and 2) have a positive impact on health. Methods This overview utilized systematic review methods to synthesize evidence from multiple systematic reviews and economic evaluations. A comprehensive search was conducted based on a predefined protocol, including clear inclusion criteria. To be classified as “sustainable” interventions needed to aim (explicitly or implicitly) to 1) have a positive impact on at least two key dimensions of the United Nations integrated framework for sustainable development and 2) include measures of health impact. Results Thirteen systematic reviews and two economic evaluations met the inclusion criteria. The interventions that were most likely to have a positive impact on health included 1) legislation to ban Endosulfan pesticide to prevent fatal poisonings; 2) testing of drinking water for contamination with arsenic, and dissemination of the results to households; and 3) implementation of organic farming / diet to reduce exposure to pesticides. However, the cost-effectiveness of these three interventions and their impact(s) on health inequalities is not known. Strict enforcement of interventions to reduce lead in houses with children was cost-beneficial. Education and dust control interventions performed by cleaning professionals to reduce blood lead levels in children were ineffective. Conclusions What is needed now is careful implementation of the interventions whose impacts are likely to be positive. Ineffective interventions need to be replaced with more effective and cost-effective interventions. Finally, more and better-quality research on the prevention of toxic exposure to chemicals is needed to better support policy development.

RESUMEN Objetivo Señalar aquellas intervenciones que: 1) faciliten el desarrollo sostenible al prevenir la exposición tóxica a los productos químicos, incluidos los plaguicidas; y 2) tengan una repercusión positiva sobre la salud. Métodos Mediante la metodología de revisión sistemática se sintetizaron los datos probatorios de varias revisiones sistemáticas y evaluaciones económicas. Se realizó una búsqueda exhaustiva siguiendo un protocolo predefinido con criterios de inclusión concretos. Para considerarse “sostenibles”, las intervenciones debían perseguir los siguientes objetivos (explícitos o implícitos): 1) influir de forma positiva sobre al menos dos dimensiones clave del marco integrado de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo Sostenible; y 2) incluir medidas que repercutan en la salud. Resultados Cumplieron los criterios de inclusión 13 revisiones sistemáticas y dos evaluaciones económicas. Las intervenciones con mayores probabilidades de influir positivamente en la salud son: 1) la prohibición por ley de los plaguicidas de endosulfán para prevenir las muertes por intoxicación; 2) los análisis del agua potable para detectar la contaminación por arsénico y la comunicación de los resultados a los hogares; y 3) la implantación de la agricultura o la alimentación orgánicas para reducir la exposición a los plaguicidas. Sin embargo, no se conoce la rentabilidad de estas tres intervenciones ni su repercusión sobre las desigualdades en la salud. La aplicación estricta de las intervenciones para reducir el plomo en los hogares con niños resultó rentable. Por el contrario, fueron ineficaces las intervenciones educativas y de desempolvado, a cargo de profesionales de la limpieza, para reducir los niveles de plomo en la sangre de los niños. Conclusiones Es conveniente aplicar correctamente las intervenciones que tienen mayor probabilidad de generar repercusiones positivas, en tanto que las intervenciones ineficaces deben sustituirse por otras más eficaces y rentables. Se necesitan más investigaciones y de mejor calidad sobre la prevención de la exposición tóxica a los productos químicos, para mejorar las bases sobre las cuales sustentar las correspondientes políticas.

Pesticide Utilization , Chemical Compound Exposure , Conservation of Natural Resources/methods , Americas